Many adults are able to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle as the years and decades pass. However, they still need to be aware of the health risks that naturally come with age. For example, you should be aware of some of the increased risks that your musculoskeletal system may face. What orthopedic conditions are most common among older adults? This blog post touches on a few.
There are more than one hundred types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is the most common. It is also known as “wear and tear” arthritis because it occurs as the cartilage between the bones wears away with the passage of time.
Staying active and managing your weight can reduce your risk of osteoarthritis. If you do start to develop some of the aches and pains that are a hallmark of this condition, a qualified doctor may be able to offer some ideas on how you can slow its progression and keep your symptoms to a minimum.
Human bones are constantly remodeling themselves. When the process of bone creation is slower than that of bone loss, it amounts to a condition known as osteoporosis. It is more common among senior women than men, but it can afflict people of both sexes.
If you know you are at risk for osteoporosis, your doctor can provide lifestyle tips to help you keep your bones as strong as possible. Exercise, a balanced diet, and certain supplements may all be beneficial. In some cases, prescription medication is recommended.
Bones tend to weaken and become more brittle with age, which leads to an increased risk of fractures. Many fractures can be prevented if you try to stay active, acknowledge your physical limitations, and take precautions to prevent falls.
Of course, fractures should always be addressed by a qualified medical professional. If you continue to have aches and pains after a fracture heals, you might need additional orthopedic care to manage the problem.
When two bones move out of their normal positions (relative to a common joint), this is known as dislocation. It can be quite painful and cause long-term damage if it is not addressed promptly. For example, the connective tissues and muscles in the area may be at risk of tearing. Non-surgical orthopedic care is often able to help patients heal from such injuries.
Aging is a privilege. If you do your best to stay active and take care of your musculoskeletal system, the chances are good that you will be able to remain mobile and experience little to no pain as the years pass.
Meet the Practice
Dr. James Pinkston is an osteopathic physician who is board-certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine. He offers a range of innovative, non-invasive orthopedic treatments in our Asheville office. Our team is also able to provide personalized wellness coaching. If you would like us to help you manage your health as you age, we would be happy to consult with you. Contact us at 828-417-9913.